Gude 👋I'm Niclas
I'm a Full Stack Web Developer from Germany, passionate about creating awesome things on the web — both, by profession and vocation.
Welcome to my space on the web!
Gude is a German (Hessian) dialect word considered a universal greeting.
Pretty ✨ Pet Projects
Top Tier Tools 🛠️
While I enjoy experimenting with new technology, this is the stack I feel confident working with.
Snippy Snappy 🐊 Snippets
Sometimes I write elegant code that I like to share. Just kidding, this is mostly the stuff I have to google all the time.
A simple hook extending useState() with an option to reset to the evaluated initial value.
A hook to upload a file with progress tracking, request abortion etc.
S3 presigned upload URL
Simple method to generate a presigned upload URL for Amazon S3 or compatible storage services, allowing client-side uploads without the necessity of routing the file through an additional backend service.
Asymmetrical Array Diff
Easy method to get the asymmetrical difference (elements in the first array but no the second) of two arrays.