
A really simple hook for Next.js to check if the given page path is currently active.

This hook is especially useful when using structured URLs, i.e. /snippets and /snippets/nextjs both belonging to the same logical group.

import { useRouter } from "next/router";

export function useRouterRouteIsActive() {
  const { asPath: currentPath } = useRouter();

  return function (to) {
    if (currentPath === "/" || to === "/") {
      return to === currentPath;

    return currentPath.startsWith(to);


  • Given the current page is /snippets/use-router-route-is-active, the output would be “active”.
  • Given the current page is /not-snippets, the output would be “inactive”.
function Component() {
  const isActive = useRouterRouteIsActive();

  return <div>{isActive("/snippets") ? "active" : "inactive"}</div>;